hello there

Saturday, June 17, 2006

back in black

we had a tremendous run in new york with the big shoe. in spite of the fair amount of press, we didn't have a lot of people show up and that was a drag.

sorta good because it humbled us quite a bit for montreal. quite a bit. the work you have to do to make 10 people laugh is, well, work. the last few shows saw more butts in the seats.

the day before we left, i couldn't find the cord for the apex media controller, and it's not a standard cord, so I had to buy a 60g ipod video. it works great and it's easy. the itunes thing is annoying but, there are a million blogs about ipods. which is also the title of someone's novel, i'm sure.

a guy who works for a big time, big shot booker came to the show, loved it and sent at least one other person from his company to check the show out. they said they want to work with us, but one never knows if people are just being nice. they're exactly the type of people i'd like to work with. and, it seems, the perfect sized company.

so that could be cool if it actually happens.

saw bukowsical last night after the restaging by john. they moved the seats around in a different configuration, and i was out of town and, well, uninterested in restaging the show again, so john mitchell, producer and watergate conspirator, restaged it for me. he did a great job.

they seem to have drifted a bit. the conceit of the show is that they're a struggling company who never do anything good, but since, in reality, the show is a sort of hit, they walk out with a cockiness now and some of the cast have a little "wink" in the performance that makes me very sad.

if we expand and extend, there will be some whip cracking.

i'm reconsidering doing love tapes. i don't want to be gone for 2 months. on the other hand, change always freaks me out and 2 months in mini-soda is a huge change, eh?

speaking of reconsidering, i'm going to do the summer school dvd interview. they're coming to the house tuesday. so, you 4 people who wrote in convinced me. no lie.

i'm the heaviest and most freaked out i've ever been in my life so you fuckers are to blame for when people watch it and say "chainsaw is a big fat, bald pig... no wonder he can't get arrested."
thanks for that, my friends.

my dad is here for the weekend. it's always cool to spend time with him. he has a "thing" about people having "stuff" and standing out, and i realize that's where i get my schizo i want to be noticed/don't look at me shit. i'm also embarassed about having an ipod and more than one computer.

ah well. good problems to have.

i'm taking him to the cemetery screening tonight. cinespia.org do these awesome screenings of classic movies at the hollywood cemetery. i thought he'd like to go. one can take a picnic dinner sort of thing.

i went with jessie and andy lerner a couple of weeks ago and the preshow music was too fucking loud and everyone around us sucked. this movie isn't as popular so i'm hopeful that we'll have better luck.

that being said. it's time to split.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you had fun with your dad, he was my favorite teacher at GPHS. Plus he was an awesome Fagin in Oliver!

1:22 PM  

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