hello there

Thursday, September 14, 2006

No Idea

I don't know if it's me or if it's blogger who is screwing stuff up. If I knew, I'd have a nobel prize, I suppose.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dean-

If you are able to travel outside of downtown, there are various places to head. The 6 (down Hennepin) and 4 (down Lyndale) will get you to Uptown. Take them the other way and you will go to the U of M campus. The 5 will take you to the Midtown Global Market on Lake and Chicago. Take the train to Minnehaha Falls- it's definitely worth checking out.
Not a Libertarian myself, but their office is close to where I work. It's on the corner of Raymond and Territorial in St Paul, one block up from University (take the 16 eastward).

Hope to see your show if schedule permits. I'll shamelessly plug my own as long as I have the space- we have an industry night performance on Monday if you want to take in a show on your night off. Go to theatreprorata.com. Alas, bussing to the space is a pain- travel by cab or by friend.

If you want to remove this comment after reading it that's fine- it's intended more of a note to you than for a public forum. Have a good run- enjoy the schizophrenic climate that is fall in Minnesota. There are no rules to our weather. Welcome to the Twin Cities- we're happy to have you, if only for a while!

10:01 PM  
Blogger mister snickers said...

Thanks, Jodi.

If you see the big show, be sure to hang around after and say hi.

It usually takes me a few minutes to decompress, but it's always nice to say howdy.

Rock on!

(I will never remove your post!!! You are stuck! Unless, of course, you really want me to)

10:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh. I'm more of a lurker than a poster, so having my ramblings google-able is always a little disconcerting. But it's your blog, so you can do what you like, o omnipotent one.

Definitely I will say hello if I am able to come. A friend of mine is coordinating a group attend before the run is up.

Enjoy your traversing through the skywalks. If you need directions, food ideas, etc., just follow the link and drop me a line. Hope your case of the crud improves- it's definitely making the circuit.

6:48 PM  

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